Documentation on Hoppi's logging feature
What this page shows
Info before getting started
Creating a logging channel
Difference between mod logging and event logging
Mod logging
What it is
Moderation events
Event logging
What it is
Logging events
Activating events
Info before getting started
Creating a logging channel
Before logging anything in your server, Hoppi must first have a logging channel.
To create a logging channel, use ;logging
. This will create a new logging channel called hoppi-logging. To turn an existing channel into your server's logging channel use ;loghere
. This will rename that channel to hoppi-logging.
Difference between mod logging and event logging
Moderation vs. Events
Mod logging occurs when the bot moderates your server (e.g. when Hoppi kicks a member).
Event logging occurs when the specified event is triggered (e.g. when a message is deleted).
Mod logging
Mod logging (or moderation logging) is when Hoppi logs details about moderation activities, for example when someone uses Hoppi to kick another member. Hoppi will only log this if your server has a logging channel.
More info is in progress.
Event Logging
Event logging is a Hoppi feature where when an event is triggered, if your server has that event activated, Hoppi will alert the server by sending a message into your server's logging channel.
To see events that can be logged, click the link below.
Warning: Events can only be triggered by users using the Discord App. They will not be triggered by users using the web browser version of Discord.
To see the events that your server has activated, use ;help logging
. Activated events will have a green square and deactivated events will have a red square.
If a category is activated, all events within it will be green as well.
Activating Events
To deactivate an event, use the exact same command. Hoppi will toggle the event for you, so you do not need to add a true or false at the end of your command. Once you use the command, Hoppi will say that event was either activated or deactivated.
Now that you know how logging works, these are ways you can activate events:
To activate a single event, use
;log <event>
.All events are in categories, so to activate all events in a category, Hoppi makes it simple for you. Simply use
;log <category>
and all those events will be activated
For example, I want to know when an invite is created in my server. To activate the invitecreate
event, I would use ;log invitecreate
Hoppi would respond with: The event
has been activated.
If I already had the event invitecreate activated, Hoppi would respond with
The event
has been deactivated.
as the event is already activated, so Hoppi will toggle it and deactivate it.
Anyway, now that I have the invitecreate event activated, when someone creates an invite, Hoppi will alert me and send a message in my hoppi-logging channel.
The message will include details about the invite, such as the code, expiration, max uses, creator, etc.
Last updated